Sabaton - Light In The Black {Northman Cover} {Bass Guitar} 99.6% Accuracy {Please See Details}

Описание к видео Sabaton - Light In The Black {Northman Cover} {Bass Guitar} 99.6% Accuracy {Please See Details}

Notes Regarding this Play-Through:

1. That is My 2nd Attempt Ever at this song on Bass Guitar... I never tried it before on this side because I rarely play it on on Rhythm or Lead... The reason isn't because I don't absolutely love this song, because I do love this song... The reason is that the sound relating to this CDLC is kinda f****d... I always assumed I suppose that it was as badly f****d on the Bass side as it is on Lead & Rhythm which is to say it sounds like complete s**t now matter how I adjust my sound to compensate... It turns out the Bass side isn't quite as bad and it's actually tolerable if still noticeable at times.

2. This attempt was only 0.1% improved over my prior attempt with was right before this attempt... I thought I could do better than 99.5% accuracy and I was correct... Not by a lot but I was correct... I had to try.

3. The song is about U.N. Peacekeepers if I recall correctly... I'm fine with U.N. Peacekeepers as long as I never see those f*****g blue helmets on American soil... If I ever see that s**t, all bets are off.


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