Gabrielle Posard Donate Dont Dump on CBS ENG SUBS

Описание к видео Gabrielle Posard Donate Dont Dump on CBS ENG SUBS

This SUBTITLED VERSION serves to make Gabrielle's important MESSAGE & MODEL SOLUTION better available to the global young generation, also for offline use at school, events and by organizations.

Please visit the original video to give it a like and share your positive feedback.

For more infos and getting involved visit the YOUTH-LEADER website at, where you find media and online profiles of many changemakers with their links, websites, interviews, action kits, tools and more - and many ways of getting involved for supporting and replicating THEIR model solution, as well as many others AND the media, methods and services for making youth leadership omni-present at schools, in media and public - for a powerful movement for positive change.


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