The 7 Unknown Facts About Father of Atomic Bomb Robert Oppenheimer

Описание к видео The 7 Unknown Facts About Father of Atomic Bomb Robert Oppenheimer

In this History Archive video we are looking at 7 unknown facts about Robert Oppenheimer who is Father of Atomic Bomb. If you are interested in Robert Oppenheimer, Atomic Bomb and history, this video is going to help you to understand more of Oppenheimer and his life.

The atomic bomb was the most terrible and chaotic invention of the Second World War. The first event that comes to mind when it comes to the Second World War is the Atomic Bomb attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The name that changed the course of the Second World War is Robert Oppenheimer, considered as the father of the Atomic Bomb. In this video you will learn 7 different unknown facts about Robert Oppenheimer. You will learn new information about Oppenheimer and his life and gain a different perspective.

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