IN THE NAME OF Trailer - Peccadillo Pictures

Описание к видео IN THE NAME OF Trailer - Peccadillo Pictures

In Cinemas September 27th 2013

Winner: Teddy Award - Berlin Film Festival 2013

Father Adam takes over a small parish in the middle of nowhere. He organizes a community centre for boys with troubled past. His energy is appreciated, the locals accept him as one of their own. Everybody wants to be close to him, feeding off of his vitality and power, but no one knows he harbors his own secret. After meeting an eccentric and silent young man, a local pariah, Father Adams is forced to confront a long forgotten burden and passion. As the villagers' worst suspicions are validated, Father Adam becomes an obvious enemy.

Directed by auteur Malgoska Szumowska (ELLES) and winner of this year's Teddy Award at the Berlin Film Festival, IN THE NAME OF is a gripping and controversial look at sexuality in the church, steeped in religious symbolism resonating with current issues in today's society.


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