Defeats of my Favorite YouTube/Internet Villains Part 15

Описание к видео Defeats of my Favorite YouTube/Internet Villains Part 15

Villains Quotes:

"Number 1? Number 2? Do you even realize what it's like to be born as a number 2 to a number 2? The things you made me do, Luigi... Go through spikes. Jump in pits. And that drainpipe... That one was the worst of all... But now it's time for YOU to suffer, Luigi! Suffer like I have!" -Gooigi
"Likes I care. You try to gets me back befores. But face 1337, I'll always escaped to banned. I'll always has more powers than yous. For I's is the true better hacker. I's is great." -Greg
"Oh little Mario brothers, you were so close. I must admit, I got a little scared for a second there...But this is as far as it goes!" -Bowser
"Novisor, Novisor, we will make you one of us." -Novisor
"KOWAWAWA! Well, well, well, another day, another rag tag team out to get me! Let’s get this over with! FIAMMATA!" -Luigi
"Let there be... a Beach Battle!" -Evil Blood Bag
"End of this night of purity, the world will feel the wrath of Cobalt Blue!!l" -Cobalt Blue
"When you bought me along on your adventure to Cobalt Mountain, you made me waste my entire night! And do you want to know what happened because of that!? I MISSED THE GALACTUS FORTNITE EVENT!!" -Skull
"Can I be an contestant?" -Airplane
"Computer you say? Your lifes about to get tricky real soon buddy" -Cigar
"I... Am... EVIL!!!!" -Evil Computer

All Clips From:
Mario and Luigi: Super Anime Brothers
Mario and Luigi: Super Anime Brothers 2
Among Us Logic- Novisor
Mario and Luigi: Super Anime Brothers 3
The Daily Object Show: Evil Never Dies

Music: Brave-Skillet


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