金菇肥牛卷 ENOKI MUSHROOM BEEF ROLLS丨Prime-Living生活館 x Saladmaster(2021) [ENG SUB]

Описание к видео 金菇肥牛卷 ENOKI MUSHROOM BEEF ROLLS丨Prime-Living生活館 x Saladmaster(2021) [ENG SUB]

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材料 Ingredients
肥牛 140g / 140g sliced beef
金菇 半包 / 1/2 bag enoki mushroom
芝麻 (可配) / sesame seeds (optional)
蔥花 (可配) / chopped scallions (optional)

醬汁 Sauce
蠔油 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
老抽 1茶匙 / 1 teaspoon dark soy sauce
糖 1茶匙 / 1 teaspoon sugar
生粉 1茶匙 / 1 teaspoon corn starch
水 2湯匙 / 2 tablespoon water
黑椒 少許 / black pepper, to taste

做法 Method
Trim away the roots of enoki mushrooms, rinse and drain them well.

2. 肥牛切成約10厘米長,取一小撮金菇放在肥牛一端,開始捲起,捲好後收口向下。
Prepare sliced beef of about 10cm long. Stretch out a slice of beef, top with small sections of enoki mushrooms on one end. Roll the beef tightly around the enoki. Place the very end facing down. Repeat for remaining slices of beef.

3.煎鍋中放少許油,開中火燒熱,收口向下放入金菇肥牛卷,細火煎香定形,反轉另一面再煎約 2分鐘,煮好上碟排好。
Add a little oil in a frying pan and heat over medium heat. Place the beef rolls on the pan with the beef closing facing down the pan. Pan-fry over low heat until aromatic and shaped. Turn it over and pan-fry for about 2 minutes more. Remove from pan and place them nicely on a plate.

4. 將醬汁材料混和,加在同一煎鍋中,用中火煮至自己喜歡的濃稠度。
Mix the sauce ingredients well and add in the same frying pan. Cook over medium heat until it is thickened enough, according to individual preferences.

5. 淋在金菇肥牛卷上即成,可隨意灑上芝麻/蔥花。
Pour the sauce on top of the beef rolls. Sprinkle with sesame seeds or scallions (optional).

Juice may release from enoki mushrooms while cooking. Just keep cooking and the juice will dry a bit.
Do not overcook the sauce as it will lose too much water and become too salty. Taste it while cooking.
3. 可買火鍋用薄牛肉片烹調這菜式。
Can use pre-sliced hotpot beef for this dish.
4. 如牛肉太薄太難捲,可疊兩片牛肉一起捲金菇,容易很多。
If the sliced beef is too thin to roll, try stacking 2 slices together for 1 roll. Much easier.

Prime-Living生活館 x Saladmaster沙朗大師

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