Luminous Mysteries - Rosary with Sacred Art, Vol. I - Music: Debussy

Описание к видео Luminous Mysteries - Rosary with Sacred Art, Vol. I - Music: Debussy

Meditate on the luminous mysteries of the rosary with sacred art and music from Debussy.

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Rêverie: David Hernando Vitores (Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0, )
La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin: Patrizia Prati (Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0, )
Arabesque No. 1: Patrizia Prati (Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0, )
Clair de Lune: Brent Hugh (, CC BY-SA 2.5, )

CC BY-SA 4.0:
CC BY-SA 2.5:
changes made: endings trimmed, volume levels adjusted

This video is released under CC BY-SA 4.0.


The Marriage Feast at Cana by Murillo: DeFacto (Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)
changes made: cropped, resolution reduced
Transfiguration by Raphael: Alvesgaspar (Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)
changes made: cropped

All other images are in the public domain in the United States and were sourced from Wikimedia Commons, the Cleveland Museum of Art, the J. Paul Getty Museum, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Works shown:
Caravaggio (Contarelli Chapel)
Raphael (Apostolic Palace, Vatican City)
Murillo (Prado)
Sassoferrato (National Gallery, London)
Dolci (Rhode Island School of Design Mus.)

Veronese (Getty Mus.)
workshop of Tintoretto (Cleveland Mus. of Art)
Murillo (Gemäldegalerie)
Studio of Jan Brueghel the Elder and Attributed to Hans Rottenhammer I
Reni (KHM, Vienna)
Rubens (Royal MFA, Antwerp)
Trevisani (Leeds Art Gallery)
Coypel (LACMA)
Ricci (Met)
da Vinci (Uffizi)
Saraceni (Met)
Michelangelo (Sistine Chapel)

Wedding at Cana:
Veronese (Louvre)
Bloch (Frederiksborg Castle)
von Carolsfeld (Hamburger Kunsthalle)
Crespi (Art Inst. of Chicago)
Murillo (Barber Inst. of Fine Arts); Released under CC BY-SA 4.0 by DeFacto ( ); cropped, resolution reduced
Garofalo (Hermitage)
Damaskinos (Museo Correr)
Francken the Younger (Nationalmuseum, Stockholm)
Panini (Speed Art Mus.)
Gandolfi (Walters Art Mus.)
Steen (Norton Simon Mus.)
Titian (Prado)
Michelangelo (Sistine Chapel)

Bloch (Frederiksborg Castle)
Veronese (KHM, Vienna)
Lanfranco (National Gallery of Ireland)
Hofmann (Riverside Church, NY)
Murillo (National Gallery, London)
Olrik (Sankt Mathæus Kirke, Copenhagen)
Polenov (Russian Mus.)
P. de Champaigne (Montreal Mus. of Fine Arts)
I. Makarov
Caravaggio (Contarelli Chapel)
Rubens (Ducal Palace, Mantua)
Michelangelo (Sistine Chapel)

Bellini (Mus. di Capodimonte)
Perugino (Collegio del Cambio)
Theophanes the Greek (Tretyakov)
Raphael (Pinacoteca Vaticana); Released under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Alvesgaspar ( ); cropped
Titian (San Salvador, Venice)
Bloch (Frederiksborg Castle)
Rubens (Mus. of Fine Arts of Nancy)
Carracci (National Art Gallery of Bologna)
Duccio (National Gallery, London)
van Herp
Rublev (Tretyakov)
Michelangelo (Sistine Chapel)

P. de Champaigne (Mus. of Fine Arts of Lyon)
Rubens (Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan)
Ricci (MFA, Houston)
Bloch (Frederiksborg Castle)
da Vinci (Santa Maria delle Grazie)
Crespi (Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan)
Rosselli (Sistine Chapel)
Tintoretto (Église Saint-François-Xavier de Paris)
Masip (Prado)
Titian (National Gallery of Ireland)
Stom (Thyssen-Bornemisza Mus.)
Dürer (KHM, Vienna)
Michelangelo (Sistine Chapel)

Bouguereau (Petit Palais, Paris)
Murillo (Prado)
Raphael (Apostolic Palace, Vatican City)


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