Why You Can't Remember Anything

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Why can't I remember anything? That is a question a lot of people ask themselves. We begin to wonder if something is wrong with us or what is the reason that we can't remember anything.

So here is why you can't remember anything. First of all, you may need to realize that your memory is actually much better than you think it is. You can probably remember a car accident from 20 years ago because your memory is actually pretty good.

Your brain will remember action and emotion and this is why you remember things long term. In other words there was a lot of action or emotion plus you also remember what you review.

Your expectations must be realistic in regards to your memory.

Paying attention is the first key to your memory. Sleep, good nutrition and exercise all improve your memory. Do your best to get 8 hours of sleep every night.

When you get plenty of sleep your brain will replay what you learned during the day.


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