00:00 Prefight check
01:22 Fight starts
01:28 Move all companions far away
02:18 Fight begins properly
19:25 Raphael dies
23:35 Enemies glitch out
27:07 Glitch fixed
28:35 Won
You have seen many one-shot Raphael builds, now prepare for the sweaty Raphael brawl.
Raphael basically has an anti level 12 paladin build. As a level 12 paladin, your melee damage always has radiant damage and it cannot be switched off. So every time Raphael recharges punish divinity he can stun you. I guess, one could break the pillars first and then do the fight, but I wasn't confident I could deal with his legendary in ascended form along with all the cambions. Also I did not want to kite around all over house of hope, maybe I should do that next time.
My initial thought was that I would use the callous glow ring and the +2 radiant damage in psionic backlash will force him to waste the punish divinity charge but that does not seem consistent. In case he got a stun off, I was hoping the Balduran helm stun immunity would protect me, but that actually does not work either. So basically I got really lucky with my saves. You will see that at one moment I realise the difficulty class of the infernal stun is quite high (dc 18), and I decided screw it, if I die Karlach can solo this and I won't upload.
So here would be my recommendations for solo Raphael as a level 12 paladin. Get all the saves. I messed up auntie ethel and mirror of loss, don't do that. Get something that gives you advantage on dex saves.
Anyway, important details
Half orc
Vengeance Paladin
Balduran's Giantslayer
Gontr Mael
Cloak of protection
Armour of persistence
Wondorous gloves
Boots of persistence
Callous glow ring
Ring of protection
Periapt of wound closure
TAGS: GOTY, game of the year, vga, solo, strategy, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, bg3, baldurs gate 3 lets play, playthrough, walkthrough, baldurs gate 3 classes, races, class, build, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, challenge run, solo, tactician, challenge, ZalZeera
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