POE2 Grenade Base Witchhunter Day 5 Update| Some thoughts and tips for the game|女巫獵人擲彈

Описание к видео POE2 Grenade Base Witchhunter Day 5 Update| Some thoughts and tips for the game|女巫獵人擲彈

An update after day5 of my Witchhunter grenade build.
I don’t think the passive tree and skill gems are optimized so I still need more time to test various setup.
My current setup is mapping with flash grenade and gas grenade, then use explosive grenade for rare and unique mobs damage.
I’ll try to use sorcery ward after I get better gear.

My current skills setup:
Cluster Grenade-magnified effect-deceleration-immolate
Explosive Grenade-payload-scattershot-primal armament-fire infusion
Gas Grenade-corrosion-fast forward-fire penetration-inspiration
Explosive Shot-concentrated effect-mobility-nimble reload
Flash Grenade-overpower-discombobulate-ruthless-ingenuity
Oil Grenade-encumbrance-strip away-maim
Leap Slam-martial tempo-unbreakable-holy descent

00:00 Intro
00:30 Trash talk and thoughts on the game
02:44 monster lv 71 map
04:02 Tips or you don't say
05:30 Tips for grenade build or you don't say
06:09 Skills setup
06:30 monster lv 74 map
08:16 Passives
11:13 In game passives and gem setup

BGM: P.T. Adamczyk - Never Fade Away (SAMURAI Cover) - feat. Olga Jankowska


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