The Secret Hospital: Rampton The Big House Full (Controversial Psychiatric Hospital UK Documentary)

Описание к видео The Secret Hospital: Rampton The Big House Full (Controversial Psychiatric Hospital UK Documentary)

This somewhat disturbing documentary originally shown on UK television back in 1979 lead to significant reforms at Rampton Hospital over it's management and the treatment of patients. It has been cited amongst the "top ten" most influential UK TV programmes, but I noticed it had not been uploaded onto Youtube and seems hard to find elsewhere online.

Here is the complete documentary, originally shown in 2 parts but actually breaks down into 3 sections. I have also uploaded these individually as you may wish to watch each section separately.

Please note that this was taken from a VHS recording.

Part 1    • The Secret Hospital: Rampton The Big ...  
Part 2    • The Secret Hospital: Rampton The Big ...  
Part 3    • The Secret Hospital: Rampton The Big ...  


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