Ukraine Reforms: What Next?

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President Zelenskyy and his team must deliver solid reforms to ensure robust economic growth. This event takes stock of what has been achieved since 2019 and analyzes the upcoming reform agenda.

Ukraine’s reforms since the 2014 Revolution of Dignity have often resembled an attempt to rebuild a ship in heavy seas. Carried out while Ukraine continues to face Russian military aggression, efforts to overhaul the country’s ineffective, rent-seeking institutions have faced strong resistance from entrenched anti-reform actors.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened Ukraine’s economic outlook. Kyiv has little time to prepare for the global recession. The $5 billion IMF stand-by agreement approved on June 9 provides short-term relief and incentivize some changes.

The event is part of the Ukraine Reform Conference 2020 Vilnius, the 4th annual conference bringing together Ukrainian government officials, civil society, the private sector, and Kyiv’s international partners to discuss the country’s progress on reforms. It is held in partnership with the Reanimation Package of Reforms (RPR).


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