LED Lights For Your DCC Locos (268)

Описание к видео LED Lights For Your DCC Locos (268)

When it comes to adding lights to your DCC locos it's hard to beat LEDs. They are easy to use, produce little heat other than at the resistor, and are relatively inexpensive. In this video I'll show you how to use tiny surface mount device (SMD) LEDs to replace the light bulbs in your locos for a new decoder install or simply to replace burned out bulbs. So let's get started!

By the way, I purchased the Uhu black putty on Amazon. If it is not available then search for “black adhesive putty” or in the UK “black tack”. As I said in the video I got the LEDs from eBay. Search for Golden White SMD 0805 LED. The Kapton tape came from either Amazon, eBay, or a DCC vendor such as Streamlined Backshop.


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