Prompt Engineer: The Job Everyone's Lying About

Описание к видео Prompt Engineer: The Job Everyone's Lying About

Have you seen those videos claiming you can make $350,000 as a prompt engineer in just a few months? Spoiler alert: they're lying to you. As someone who's professionally been working as a prompt engineer for almost 3 years, I'm here to set the record straight.

We'll dive into the real deal about what it takes to become a prompt engineer, why these "quick path to riches" claims are bogus, and what the job actually involves. Plus, I'll share why learning prompt engineering is still super valuable for the future, even if it’s not the golden ticket those other videos promise.

I hope you learn something from this video. Comment with any questions, and I'll make sure to respond!


0:00 - Intro
0:27 - What the youtubers are selling you
1:07 - Do "Prompt Engineer" jobs really exist?
2:35 - Can Prompt Engineers replace other jobs?
4:01 - What is it like being a Prompt Engineer?


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