Recent Interesting and Useful Enhancements of Polyphase Filter Banks: fred harris

Описание к видео Recent Interesting and Useful Enhancements of Polyphase Filter Banks: fred harris

Recorded 25 Feb 2021
Speaker: Prof. fred harris
Materials from this talk are available here:
Apologies for not recording the first couple minutes of the talk.

The M-path polyphase analysis filter bank channelizer is quite a remarkable digital signal processing algorithm. In its simplest realization, the maximally decimated filter bank, the bank outputs M baseband time series from translated spectral spans with bandwidth and sample rate fs/M from M spectral bands centered at integer multiples of fs/M. Modifications to the channelizer are many and include offsets of channelizer center frequencies, non-maximal decimation from M-to-1 to M/2-to-1 or to 3M/4-to-1 along with various post channelization signal conditioning options. We present a set of severe channelizer specifications and illustrate various channelizer modifications to reduce processing cost while meeting original design specifications. Some of the new variations offer quite substantial reductions in workload by very simple changes in perspective and design options.

Prof. fred harris has written over 275 journal and conference papers, the most well-known being his well cited (8500 citations) 1978 paper “On the use of Windows for Harmonic Analysis with the Discrete Fourier Transform”. He is the author of the textbook, “Multirate Signal processing for Communication System”. Its second edition will be available Mid-March, 2021. In addition to this textbook, he is co-author with Bernard Sklar, of Digital Communications (3rd edition), and has contributed to a number of other DSP and communication textbooks.

Prof. harris became a Fellow of the IEEE in 2003, cited for contributions of DSP to communications systems. In 2006 he received the Software Defined Radio Forum’s “Industry Achievement Award”. He received the DSP-2018 conference’s commemorative plaque with the citation: We wish to recognize and pay tribute to fred harris for his pioneering contributions to digital signal processing algorithmic design and implementation, and his visionary and distinguished service to the Signal Processing Community.

Prof. harris was the Technical and General Chair respectively of the 1990 and 1991 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, was Technical Chair of the 2003 Software Defined Radio Conference, of the 2006 Wireless Personal Multimedia Conference, of the DSP-2009 and DSP-2013 Conferences and of the SDR-WinnComm 2015 Conference.

The spelling of his name with all lower case letters is a source of distress for typists and spell checkers. A child at heart, he collects toy trains, old slide-rules, and gyroscopes.


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