Shane Van Boening 🇺🇸 - Practice 2018

Описание к видео Shane Van Boening 🇺🇸 - Practice 2018

Day off fishing, winter storm warning 🎣🎣

Source : Shane Van Boening - Facebook


It was a fun trip in derby. During the middle of the week, I was practicing hitting balls and doing some crazy shots, then my tip/ferrule snapped. I don't think it can be fixed. Since 2009, This Cuetec shaft was my friend on the table. We made over 1 million, won 4 US open, 2 world pool masters, 2 runner up in the world championship. And many other titles. Definitely the best shaft in the world. Rest in piece r360shaft

During the middle of the event, pulled out my spare shaft, played hours with it. I played well to get in the finals in the 9 ball event and lost to Dennis.

Congrats to Dennis, jayson shaw, busty and my good friend Billy Thorpe.

It was a fun week, met some new people and looking forward to come back next year 👍🏻


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