Aula 1 - Fundamentos da Política Industrial

Описание к видео Aula 1 - Fundamentos da Política Industrial

Bibliografia obrigatória
SUZIGAN, W.; VILLELA, A.V. (1997). Industrial Policy in Brazil. Campinas: Instituto de Economia/UNICAMP.

Bibliografia complementar
ADAMS, F.G., BOLLINO, A. (1983) “Meaning of industrial policy”. In: ADAMS, F.G., KLEIN, L.R. “Industrial policies for growth and competitiveness”. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books.
CORDEN, W.M. (1980) Relationships between Macro-economic and Industrial Policies. In: The World Economy. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 1980, p.167-184.
JOHNSON, C. Introduction: the idea of industrial policy. In: JOHNSON, C. The industrial policy debate. San Francisco: ICS Press, 1984.
REINERT, E. (1999) The Role of the State in Economic Growth, Journal of Economic Studies, vol. 26, 4/5.

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