To The Memory of The Legend Lanrewaju Adepoju

Описание к видео To The Memory of The Legend Lanrewaju Adepoju

In the celestial expanse, I beheld a star,
A luminary with a tail, traversing afar.
Beneath its glow, a throng gazed in awe,
Witnessing rarity, a celestial law.

Drawing near, I asked of the gathering's gaze,
"What celestial wonder earns your amazed praise?"
In unison they spoke of Lanrewaju's grace,
A divine gift from Nigeria's sacred space.

A once-a-century soul, a celestial decree,
Sent to Earth, a rare marvel to see.
Protected by God, his message divine,
Any hindrance met fate's firm design.

Death claims the herald, the dawn's clarion call,
The one who echoed Ooduwa's daily thrall.
A custodian of our cultural essence,
A beacon of truth, a luminary presence.

"The prophet lacks honor in his own land,"
So true for Lanrewaju, a tree so grand.
Its shade spans wide, yet often unseen,
His Ewi poetics paint an Eldorado dream.

Echoes of his foresight, his poignant cries,
Lament Nigeria's plight, the impoverished ties.
The warnings he wove, stark and true,
Yet where is Lanrewaju? The questions ensue.

Nigeria mourns, a gem now astray,
A loss profound, felt in each passing day.
A treasure rare, in temporal stride,
To rekindle, in a century's tide.

Lanrewaju, messenger of divine word,
Admonished leaders, the corrupt, the absurd.
He praised the righteous, upheld the just,
His legacy woven in faith and trust.

May Allah bless Chief Lanrewaju's repose,
In gardens lush, where celestial rivers flow.
A paradise earned, his spirit aglow,
Rest eternal in divine embrace, bestowed.

Poem by Olayiwola Adepoju


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