How to start the Pixels Online game - Walkthrough of all Quests

Описание к видео How to start the Pixels Online game - Walkthrough of all Quests

In this video I will show you how to start with the Pixels Online game.
I will show you a step-by-step walkthrough about how you can complete all the starter quests and get yourself familiar with the game. You will grow your first popberries, you will bake your first popberry pie with Karen, you get to chop your first trees with Lumber Jack and Lumber Jill and this video will show you how you can craft your first decoration with a woodworking bench together with Stan Stolar.
And how to manage your farm land for maximum efficiency (especially when you don't own NFT land yourself)

00:00 Intro
00:25 Barney's Farm Tutorial
01:17 Ranger Dale
01:28 The Buck's Galore
02:54 Axeing For Help
04:11 Cooking with Karen
05:24 Sticks and Planks
07:42 Buy your own land and bookmark land 4081
11:24 Honor Bound
13:41 Even More Boxes!
14:29 Which Land should you use for maximum efficiency?

🚜 Come Farm With Me 🚜
4081 - Land 🌿
3278 - Space 💫
797 - Water 🌊

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