The Anaesthesia Induction CHECKLIST!

Описание к видео The Anaesthesia Induction CHECKLIST!

Before inducing any patient you need to know exactly what you need. Without a system, you may start a high risk induction without critical equipment, drugs OR monitoring...


you might even delay an induction because you're unsure if you actually have everything!

Try this 4Ms system as a basic induction checklist:

Meds (Sux, propofol, aramine, atropine, adrenaline)
Monitoring (Sats, ETCO2, BP, ECG)
MABELS (airway equipment)
mask, airways (OPA, NPA, LMA), bougie and stylet, ETT, laryngoscope,

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This contains general information about medical conditions and treatments. The information is not advice and should not be treated as such.
The medical information in this course is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, express or implied.
The presenter makes no representations or warranties in relation to the medical information on this video.
You must not rely on the information as an alternative to assessing and managing your patient with your treating team and consultant

This document was created using a Contractology template available at

Informed consent was gained from the patient where relevant

The views presented here are of each individual presenter and does not represent the views of our employing hospitals or ANZCA.


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