Röyksopp "A Long, Long Way" video competition winner

Описание к видео Röyksopp "A Long, Long Way" video competition winner

From the Röyksopp Genero.tv video competition.

The winner here is ianpahute, his artistic take on the bands brief 'descending or ascending feeling, until you are released from this mortal coil' is beautifully illustrated with Ian's free-falling figure. This abstract piece although more a visual maybe than a video, complements the music and is a fitting end for this album project that sees our hero falling through his own private purgatory.

"Is our protagonist: Falling, Swimming, Flying or Dying? Is this a triumphant ascension or simply an end?

I felt an abstraction was an appropriate response to this Royksopp track. The music holds the message and the role of the imagery is to augment - not supersede.

The final result is somewhat painterly. It might not be a 'pop video' in a traditional sense but I believe it works for this track. View it as something that would sit in the background - something you would float with - the imagery influencing unconsciously - rather than providing a narrative explanation."


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