Viagrafix Learn Microsoft Excel 95

Описание к видео Viagrafix Learn Microsoft Excel 95

This is a rip of a tape designed to help people learn Microsoft Excel 95. It's a part of a series of tapes called Microsoft Office Training for Windows 95. The set includes this Excel 95 training tape, and separate ones for all the other applications in the Office 95 bundle at the time. Word, Powerpoint, Access and Schedule+. There is also one for general Windows 95 training

The company that produced it was Viagrafix. There's not a lot of information on the company, but they did a lot of these training tapes, particularly for IT departments. They also produced DesignCAD 3D Max and DesignCAD Express. I found a copy of their public IPO on NASDAQ:

My review of this one? The presenters In this one are miles better. Very good information.

I got the complete collection from an ebay seller. According to him, the tapes had only ever been viewed once. The reason the picture is so good? They are recorded in SP on high quality T-60 (60 minute) tape stock. The shell looks like Scotch or BASF. This is in stark contrast to the Learn! Windows 95 Internet tape I uploaded last year, which was recorded in EP on a low quality T-20 cassette. These training tape sets could go for upwards of $150, so kudos to Viagrafix for not cheapening out.

I will be posting the others in the series soon, as I get them ripped.

I'm doing that from a Sony RDR-VX535 VHS to DVD recorder. The deck has HDMI out, so I could have output them to my Elgato Game Capture HD, but I really don't want these upscaled. The process is simple; put the tape in the VCR and a blank DVD in the optical drive, press the Video to DVD dubbing button and away you go. Then I just Handbrake the files into MP4 format and upload.

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