Friday Night Funkin' VS QT 2.0 FULL WEEK + Cutscenes & Ending (FNF Mod) (New Termination/interlope)

Описание к видео Friday Night Funkin' VS QT 2.0 FULL WEEK + Cutscenes & Ending (FNF Mod) (New Termination/interlope)

Friday Night Funkin' VS QT (FULL WEEK) for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD, but this time we have an actual rematch against QT and she has new tricks up her sleeves.
Hazardous24 - Main Mod Creator:    • Friday Night Funkin' QT OST - Cessati...  

QT extra secret images:    • Friday Night Funkin' QT Secret Images...  
(The last character seems to be a new mod Hazard 24 is working on)
And don't forget you can use bf old vocals in options.

She still have that evil robot attached to her and can sliced her 2 times faster than before! I played both clic and new Termination and I'm 100% sure the new Termination is way harder or maybe I'm just not used to the double slice attack. I beat the clic on first try while it took a few tries for the new Termination. In new Termination are allowed to be hit about maybe 2-3 times with the sawblade, but it always feel like I still die within 1 hit. When you do get hit with the sawblade your health will shrink forcing you to hit all the notes close to perfect.

There is also a new secret character you get to battle, in the folder it says "amelia taunt" so im just gonna ume her name is Amelia. She look so similar to QT, both of them are inhuman. There might be other secrets, sometime I would get random images pop up my screen while retrying the songs a bunch of times.

We'll be playing it on very hard mode for all VS QT songs. QT has 8 songs available in this mod. (I'm also including the tutorial and clic Termination). The tutorial will let you practice dodging QT's sawblade. It has1 short animated cutscene, and 1 week. Can Boyfriend and Girlfriend leave this place without leaving a scratch on themselves once again or will BF and GF end up getting sliced by QT?

Friday Night Funkin' - QT Mod 2.0 Download:

Game Note by Hazardous24: You hear music coming from the alleyway and you go to investigate. You see a cute girl listening to music. She asks if you want to sing with her and you agree... Warning! This mod is difficult! Only play Hard if you think you are a decent player because of the difficulty spike for the 3rd song.

Edit: the song was never called Sensory Overload, it was Censory Overload.

All Songs from Friday Night Funkin' VS QT 2.0 Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Game Over Animation
00:27 QT Intro
00:38 Title Screen / Message 1
00:46 Menu
00:50 Week List
00:54 Cutscenes Dialogue 1
01:18 Carefree Song (QT Vs Boyfriend)
04:02 Cutscenes Dialogue 2
04:11 Careless Song (QT Vs Boyfriend)
06:34 Cutscenes Dialogue 3
06:52 Animation 1
07:18 Cutscenes Dialogue 4
07:34 Censory Overload Song (QT Vs BF)
13:06 Cutscenes Dialogue 5
13:26 Terminate
14:11 New Termination Song (Phase 4)
19:35 Clic Termination Song (QT VS BF)
24:58 Cessation Song (Phase 5)
28:02 Cutscenes Dialogue 6
28:21 Ending
28:56 Credits
29:06 Award / Achievements
29:35 Message 2
29:44 Cheater Alert!
29:55 Access Secret Song
30:50 Interlope Song (VS Amelia)
34:09 Amelia Taunts
35:05 2nd secret
35:25 Image
35:32 Options
35:40 New Sawblade Sound / Game Over 2
35:58 More Secrets in Outro - CommunityGame

Mod Creators for VS QT 2.0 below
VS QT FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:
Hazardous24 - Programming, Animation, Music, Charting, SFX:
   / @hazard2463  
CountNightshade - Art, Character Design:
  / count_nightshade  

Special Thanks to:
Providing the Kade Engine by KadeDeveloper:
  / kadedeveloper  
Original Game by Ninjamuffin99:
  / ninja_muffin99  
Shadow Mario - Providing the Psych Engine:
  / shadow_mario_  

Get the game and support the creators of the game:
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Friday Night Funkin' gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k HD by CommunityGame (2021)

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