Special Story On Bhogi, Sankranti, Kanuma Fesitvals Significance | Telugu Culture | TV5 News

Описание к видео Special Story On Bhogi, Sankranti, Kanuma Fesitvals Significance | Telugu Culture | TV5 News

Watch TV5 Special Story on The Significance and Importance of Telugu People Biggest Festivals Bhogi, Sankranti, and Kanuma.

Bhogi Festival - Is Celebrated to bring all Happiness, Health and Wealth to Families, on this day Small Children will be given a Special Bath with Bhogi Fruits and People will Light a Special Bonfire Wood and all Old Furniture at home. This represents realization, transformation and purification of the soul by imbibing and inculcating various divine virtues.

Sankranti Festival - It marks the beginning of Uttarayana, the Sun's movement northward for a six month period, Which is Treated as the most Auspicious Time in Hindu Culture. It also signals the end of the traditional farming season and Farmers bringing the Crop to Home.

Kanuma Festival - On This Festival Day People Perform Special Rituals to their Domestic Animals like Ox, Cow, Which is are Used for Agriculture in India.

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