BACK To SCHOOL SHOPPiNG For The Kids School Supplies

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BACK To SCHOOL SHOPPiNG For The Kids School Supplies
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Welcome to the Official YouTube Channel of The Pantons! We're the Pantons: Don, Malinda, Yaya, Dj, Bryson, and Brielle. Together, we form a spirited and loving family unit, embarking on fun adventures, big and small! 💯

Alongside our four wonderful children, we have our two fur babies, Snowy and Louie, who add their own brand of joy and mischief to our lives. Dive into our world where we share an array of lifestyle vlogs and family-centric videos, capturing moments that range from heartwarming to hilariously unpredictable. Each video is a snippet from our lives, offering insights into our family dynamics, adventures, and those everyday moments that make life special.
➡️ By subscribing and enabling all notifications, you'll become an integral part of our extended family, ensuring you don't miss out on any of the fun! And for those who'd like to get to know us on a more personal level, do follow our social media accounts for real-time updates and behind-the-scenes glimpses. Our family is anchored in faith, and as John 3:16 beautifully puts it: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." This belief guides us in everything we do, encouraging us to spread love, positivity, and understanding in every video we create.
Join us on this journey, and together, let's create memories that last a lifetime!

📲 Follow The Pantons on social media!

Facebook ▶️   / pantons-squad-468583010179082  
Twitter ▶️   / pantonsquad  
Instagram ▶️   / pantonfamily  

🔵 Malinda’s Instagram:   / malindapanton_ps  
🔵 Don’s Instagram:
🔵 Yaya's Ig : htt
🔵 Dj Ig:   / therealdjpanton_  

🎬 Check out Yaya Panton’s channel!:

📬 For business inquiries please email us at [email protected]


Follow Us ⬇

Malinda’s Instagram:   / malindapanton_ps  
Don’s Instagram:
Yaya's Ig :   / .  .
Dj Ig:   / therealdjpa.  .
Panton Squad Fb:   / pantonssquad  

For business inquiries please email us at [email protected]

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


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