What Are the Most Common Trust Lawsuits?

Описание к видео What Are the Most Common Trust Lawsuits?

https://lawyerfightsforyou.com/what-a... (Orlando, Florida) Attorney Reed Bloodworth talks about when you should pursue Trust Litigation in Florida. What are the most common trust lawsuits?

Trust Litigation is a legal action started by someone who was, or should have been, a beneficiary in a trust, that questions the trust for any one of these reasons:

A trust is a legal creation that tells people what you want done with items you place into that trust, which is a legal creation after you pass away.

The benefit to a trust is that often a trust does not have to be submitted to the court for probate, which may save time and money.

When you should pursue trust litigation in Florida? Generally, under these circumstances:

You may be a biological child with siblings who are beneficiaries to your mother or your father’s trust. You are now dealing with the addition of stepfamily to the trust.

There is a questionable action by a person involved with the decedent. You or your family believe that a trust was changed because of this action.

The person involved might be a family member, a caretaker, a friend, or a stranger. Your concern is that the actions of the person whether through suggesting, force, or manipulation urged removal or change of existing beneficiaries from the trust.

This person benefits from the removal or change to the trust by becoming a sole or an additional beneficiary.

Here are the causes of action involved in trust litigation:

Tortious Interference with a Testamentary Expectancy:
Someone convinced a decedent to change a will or trust that alters prior beneficiaries and placing themself or others as beneficiaries. They stand to benefit from questionable changes in a will or a trust.

Lack of Capacity:
A person who created a trust has been diagnosed with dementia or been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or is medicated and doesn’t understand what they’re signing.

Undue Influence:
Undue influence is a cause of action Florida where an individual exerts influence over a now deceased person to influence his or her will and trust.

The undue influence action could include suggesting, asking or forcing a change with the intent of changing a will or trust to benefit someone else.

If you have questions, contact attorney L. Reed Bloodworth by calling 407-777-8541 or by e-mail: [email protected]. It’s important to talk about what happened to you. Reed is located in 801 N Magnolia Ave, Suite 216, Orlando, Florida, but travels to clients across the state.

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