Ai Hanmi Shihonage |Aikido| Martial Arts | Self-Defense| Aikido Techniques|Aikido Training | Aikido

Описание к видео Ai Hanmi Shihonage |Aikido| Martial Arts | Self-Defense| Aikido Techniques|Aikido Training | Aikido

"Ai Hanmi Katate Dori Shihonage" is an Aikido technique that involves dealing with an attack where the attacker grabs one wrist of the defender in a same-side stance (ai hanmi katate dori) and then executing the fourth technique (shihonage). In this technique, the practitioner typically blends with the attacker's movement, leading them into a turning motion while applying a joint lock to their wrist and shoulder. This results in controlling the attacker's balance and neutralizing the threat by throwing them to the ground in a controlled manner. The aim is to subdue the attacker while minimizing harm and maintaining control over the situation.

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