DIY Garden Art What Adhesive Glue Do I Use? Tips On Upcycle Junk Yard Art For Your Outdoor Space

Описание к видео DIY Garden Art What Adhesive Glue Do I Use? Tips On Upcycle Junk Yard Art For Your Outdoor Space

Yard and Garden Art: My Garden Junk Art Tips This is a quick on the fly video where I show you the glue I use and why    • DIY Garden Art What Adhesive Glue Do ...   Product Amazon Link -

DIY Glass garden yard Art flowers, plate and junk
Finished piece
   • Garden Junk Art Created by TheJunking...  

DIY Glass garden yard Art flowers, plate and junk Glue I use:

Individual size (oz.) 2.8 Clear
GE Silicone II 2.8-oz. Clear Window and Door Caulk Now Called GE Advanced Silicone 2 Kitchen & Bath sealant
Cost about $4.00

Why do I use Silicone II Window and Door to glue my garden art together:
Silicone II Window and Door develops strength and adhesion quickly so it can be exposed to water in as little as 30 minutes!
100% Silicone is 100% Waterproof. Caulk that keeps water out over time long-lasting seal 100% Silicone

Thanks For Watching!

Tip and Process: Garden Art: My Garden Junk Art
Paint and Make it What it Ain't, redo of Garden Junk made by me :)
   • Garden Junk Art Created by TheJunking...  

Look who I inspired! You did a great job and thank you for sharing!
Ideas2come: My Yard Art
   • My Yard Art  

Other Tips:
Lighten Up - Garden Art - Step #1 - Upcycle/Recycle Colored Glass Flower -    • Garden Art - Step #1 - Upcycle/Recycl...  
Garden Art Glass Dish Flowers Glue

My Garden Art
Junk Garden Art
Tips and Process:    • DIY Garden Art What Adhesive Glue Do ...  
Paint and Make it What it Ain't, redo of Garden Junk made by me :)
   • Garden Junk Art Created by TheJunking...  

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