The Chenchu- Children of the forest | Trailer | Tribals of Andhra Pradesh | Vineet Kumar IFS | APFD

Описание к видео The Chenchu- Children of the forest | Trailer | Tribals of Andhra Pradesh | Vineet Kumar IFS | APFD

Chenchus are the unique tribal community of Andhra Pradesh, living in the pristine Nallamala forests of eastern ghats.

To create awareness on their role in tiger protection and lifestyle, we released trailer of the movie 'Chenchu-Children of the forest'.

Nagarjunasagar Srisailam Tiger Reserve (NSTR) , the largest tiger reserve of the country, is located in Nallamala hills. Chenchus are a primitive community who have kept their ethos of living in sync with nature till today without much influence of greed and nature destruction practices under pressure from outside world. They are the main reason behind the successful conservation story of tigers in the NSTR landscape and also maintaining the forest quality of the largest contiguous forest block of the country. Without Chenchus, this would not have been possible especially after years of struggle during naxals movement in the area. Today the forest department of Andhra Pradesh is directly involving chenchu tribals and supporting them. In turn their expertise in forest is helping the department and giving a bright future for this biodiversity hotspot.

In an effort to appreciate the chenchu tribals, make people aware and present efforts of the department, myself (District Forest Officer, Nandyal) and Rupak Yadav have tried to prepare an insightful documentary into their lives and their working, which is upcoming soon.

Hope you like it ❤️ Share, subscribe. Thanks.

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