Telemedicine: Strategies For A Successful Visit, JoAnna Harper, Pharm.D., R.Ph.

Описание к видео Telemedicine: Strategies For A Successful Visit, JoAnna Harper, Pharm.D., R.Ph.

July 8, 2020 -- The first webinar in the Scleroderma Foundation's new "Virtual University" patient education summer series, "Telemedicine: Strategies for a Successful Visit," was presented by JoAnna Harper, Pharm.D., R.Ph., CEO of Pain Partners, LLC. Although it isn’t a new concept, the role of telemedicine in healthcare has become increasingly important with the rapid spread of COVID-19. Discussion includes pros and cons of a virtual visit, when not to use telemedicine, privacy and security concerns, and insurance coverage. Register for future Scleroderma Foundation "Virtual University" webinars at


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