Tangled Up in “YOU”, Chuck Hillig

Описание к видео Tangled Up in “YOU”, Chuck Hillig

Whenever ego becomes entangled in a storyline through identification, it spontaneously manifests in the dream world as a separated “you.” Ego maintains this ongoing illusion of “person-hood” by holding that its dramatic story is being both sourced by and experienced through an imaginary “avatar.” As such, ego believes itself to be the Thinker-of-its-thoughts, the Feeler-of-its-feelings, the Speaker-of-its-words, and the “Do-er”-of-its-actions.
But, nonduality holds that Consciousness, Itself, is only One, and that “IT” is really the true source and cause of everything. So, how can this quintessential Oneness ever be reconciled with the daily arising of the persistent illusion of a separated “you?” Are the ego-based entanglements that arise from within your dualistic drama really preventing you from living an awakened life? How can you learn to be fully IN the dream world, and yet to remain not really OF it? Is non-attachment and “Holy Indifference” the only answer? Are you finally ready to untangle your own Gordian Knot?

Chuck Hillig is a modern spiritual teacher, author and consultant. Before he retired to Virginia in 2006, Chuck worked as a state-licensed psychotherapist in California for over 30 years. He is the author of five easy-to-understand books on eastern nondualism, and his writings and interviews have been translated and published in ten languages. Chuck is able to weave the practicality of traditional western psychology with the wisdom of nondual eastern philosophy in ways that are powerful, accessible and life-changing.



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