The Castellows I Know It'll Never End at The Blue Room in Statesboro, Georgia on Oct. 17, 2024

Описание к видео The Castellows I Know It'll Never End at The Blue Room in Statesboro, Georgia on Oct. 17, 2024

Well isn't it ironic? Don't ya think? Someone call Alanis Morissette because the headlining tour of 2024 DID end ... in Milledgeville, at this show. Don't y'all wish the tour would NEVER end ... like things in the song? Yes, me too, but the ladies and gents in the band DO deserve a break. Bigger venues touring with ‪@littlebigtown‬ and ‪@sugarland‬ after this.

All good things must come to an end. Gotta be thankful for what you have/had tho.

After this show my buddy J-Dub and I did take some backroads, inspired by this song. But through the Georgia (not 'bama) pines on our way from Milledgeville to Savannah. Bye to Hershel and Beedie and Kathy who kept out bellies full with shrimp, grits, boiled peanuts and BBQ. Hello to Cookie and her low country boil. Thankful for that.

BTS - To get to Savannah we were given three routes in Waze and decided to not take the highway back the whole way (as we just travelled that from the Statesboro show the night before). Did you know Waze will propose routes that will go from pavement to red dirt? Its true! We ended up on a wee little back road, started following an ATM and off road bike. Fortunately we rented a Jeep as there were some ruts/washouts we would not have got through in a Corolla. J-Dub had to get out to lift some branches along the way for us to pass under but before we got to the end there was a 2' dia. tree across the road and someone cut out just enough for the ATVs :) No go. A bit of backtracking we were back on the highway. Gotta love an adventure though :)

Do get yourself down to Georgia if you have not ever been. What a treat to travel around, see sights like in ‪@thecastellows‬ songs and see a couple of great headlining shows too!


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