Dealing with Common Sheep Parasites

Описание к видео Dealing with Common Sheep Parasites

Dealing with Common Sheep Parasites: Parasites can be a real issue on livestock operations and reduce total productivity and animal health. This webinar session will discuss common parasites that affect sheep production systems in the Western United States and how to treat or manage for them.

Chad Page, Sheep and Goat Specialist: Chad works for Utah State University as the Sheep and Goat Extension Specialist. He also teaches a variety of classes at the university, including sheep and wool management. Originally, he and his wife are from Chandler, AZ, but now reside in Logan, UT with their four children. Chad has worked across the intermountain west conducting applied sheep research while he obtained his Bachelor, Masters, and PhD degrees. He recently finished his PhD at the University of Wyoming where his research focused on mineral supplementation and indices of mastitis in range sheep.


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