euronews - interview - Jörg Haider

Описание к видео euronews - interview - Jörg Haider

Jörg Haider blames EU interference for Austria's isolation in 2000

Jörg Haider is chief of the relatively new but so far tiny "Alliance for Austria's Future" party which is to be found on the country's political far right. Haider has been well known in Europe since 2000 when as leader of the far-right "Freedom Party" he provoked a political crisis when it formed part of a government coalition - the result was an isolated Austria. Today, with elections this month, he is a man wanting to return to government. With the Social Democrats and the conservatives each said to command less than a third of the popular vote, smaller parties such as Haider's could have a part to play in the election outcome. There is a possibility that Austria's political direction could be altered, so what impact will this have on the rest of Europe? euronews' Hans van der Brelie met Jörg Haider in Vienna.


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