A working day CommunityMedicalAssistant LHP

Описание к видео A working day CommunityMedicalAssistant LHP

Marandeni community, Falesti raion
Integrated Community Assistance Center

- Patient’s blood pressure is 140 over 80, heart rate is 76 (Beats Per Minute), pulse ox (oxygenation) is 89.
The community medical assistant (CMA) is the person who performs some very important functions, comparing to family medical assistant, because is carrying all the burden of a community.
Starting with preventing diseases, CMA is undertaking the health assessment of his/her sector. CMA knows perfectly what is happening in the whole community and in each family. CMA is the key person, who ensures the liaison between the family doctor, the community, the social assistance, and the mayoralty. This is the person who promotes the healthy lifestyle.
For half a year, before the pandemic, awareness raising events have been regularly held for the population. On Sunday’s sessions the people from the community have been trained in monitoring their blood sugar, hypertension, and healthy eating, as well as smoking and alcohol cessation. CMA deals with home care and palliative care, which is also a huge responsibility.
When you enter in a household, almost all the problems could be seen.
- Welcome.
- Hello.
Not everyone is open even to the family doctor. Eventually, people are getting trust towards the CMA who knows their problems, with whom these problems are discussed, and the information is kept confidential. Finally, we are solving the problem, providing our support at home where it is needed, ensuring individual approach.
- How do you feel, Mr. Mihai?
- I am not well.
We identified the health problem and the social vulnerability. As a family doctor, I have already given indications to the CMA. She started providing the necessary services.
We also work with representatives from educational and culture public institutions, mayoralty, and the police, if relevant. We are all part of the community multidisciplinary team. When a case is identified, we join our forces to assess and solve it.
We have a common goal to find solutions at the community level, to meet the beneficiary’s needs and to obtain his/her satisfaction about the provided services and actions done.
- Hello!
- Hello, how good it is to see you.
During a month’s time, I am visiting dozens of families. Some of them call the Health Centre for support by phone, about others in need we are informed from other services or neighbors. Beneficiaries are of different ages, starting with young people who need some information and advice and the elderly that need help. The loneliness is in the foreground for the most elderly patients, unfortunately, who have their children migrated abroad. These group of patients, in addition to health problems, have a high need in communication, they need help in daily actions, and even in going to a market/store. I gradually gained their confidence and thus have a closer connection and communicate more freely.
- Tatiana is looking after my health when I am going to the Heath Centre. She always helps me with registration, getting prescriptions for compensated medication, without waiting in the queue, especially now in the pandemic.
I am so glad to receive even at home calls of gratitude from my beneficiaries who are satisfied with provided support and services. The support is much appreciated. A good word about their feelings is a confirmation of my efforts. It seems that what I did makes them several years younger. That is a real satisfaction in my work.
This video is part of the HEALTH LIBRARY, series of didactic resources produced by the

Healthy Life Project: Reducing the Burden of Noncommunicable Diseases,
funded by the Swiss Cooperation Office and implemented by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute.


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