Guillotine execution of Nazi officer who beat prisoners to death & organized mass killings

Описание к видео Guillotine execution of Nazi officer who beat prisoners to death & organized mass killings

Roland Puhr was born on 21 January 1914 in the village of Staré Křečany, then part of Austria-Hungary. When Adolf Hitler came into power on 30 January 1933, Puhr was 19 years old. After the Nazi seizure of power, the Nazi Regime began not only to restrict the civil and human rights of the Jews - establishing the first concentration camps, but it also demanded the “return” of the ethnic German population of Czechoslovakia—and the land on which it lived—the Sudetenland - to the German Reich. When over three days between the 11th and 13th of March 1938 Adolf Hitler annexed Federal State of Austria into the German Reich, the failure of the British and the French to take action against him for violating the Versailles Treaty emboldened him toward further aggression The Second World War started on the 1st of September 1939 when Nazi Germany invaded Poland. The same year Puhr joined the Nazi Party and was then assigned to the SS-Totenkopfverbände or Death’s head Units at Sachsenhausen concentration camp. The Death’s Head Units were an independent unit within the SS responsible for administering the Nazi concentration and extermination camps throughout Germany and later in occupied Europe. At Sachsenhausen prisoners were subjected to horrible working conditions and whoever had no strength left and stopped working was immediately kicked and beaten by the SS guards. One crime Roland Puhr participated in was the death by beating of Austrian prosecutor Karl Tuppy, who had initiated the case against 2 SS men for the murder of Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss in 1934.Both men were both found guilty of killing Dollfuss and executed.

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