Powerful Anti-oxidant and Cancer Fighting Recipe

Описание к видео Powerful Anti-oxidant and Cancer Fighting Recipe

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In this video, Dr. Andrew Jones shares a powerful antioxidant and cancer-fighting recipe inspired by Maggie McGee's protocol, used by humans and dogs alike. This Gold-Cur Paste is simple to make and includes coconut oil, curcumin, black pepper, and Boswellia Serrata. The combination of these natural ingredients has shown potential in supporting the body’s natural defenses against cancer. Follow along for exact instructions on preparation and dosage.


1. 2 Tbsp Coconut Oil (melted, not overheated)
2. 3 Tbsp 95% Pure Curcumin Powder
3. ½ tsp Black Pepper
4. 4 tsp Boswellia Serrata Extract or Powder


1. In a small stainless or Corning pan, melt the coconut oil gently.
2. Stir in the curcumin powder and black pepper.
3. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature before adding Boswellia Serrata, as it is sensitive to heat.
4. Store in a small glass jar.

Dosage: ½ tsp twice daily.

Credit: “How I Beat Stage 4 Cancer, Maggie McGee Protocol” by Maggie McGee.

This easy-to-make remedy can be beneficial for both you and your furry friends, providing natural support in fighting oxidative stress and promoting overall health. Subscribe to learn more about integrative health solutions for pets and humans!

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