Day of Destiny ~ Erutan ( Dragon Nest SEA )

Описание к видео Day of Destiny ~ Erutan ( Dragon Nest SEA )

Day of Destiny - music, lyrics, and performance by Erutan

Hi everyone! Thanks again for the beautiful birthday wishes o

This is my second commissioned composition for a video game, and I am very happy that I was able to write another song for the Dragon Nest world of Lagendia! Cherry Credits approached me earlier this year to write a song for the city of Saint Haven, and they asked that I make it from the point of view of the Elves - specifically Grand Archer Ithilien - and tell the story of the Black Dragon Raid 50 years prior to the current storyline. Here is the result!

I finished it very early this year, and it's been waiting in the wings to release. Due to the amount of work I had at the time, coupled with close due dates, this is one of the projects that contributed to my voice issues this Summer! This is the last thing I recorded before having to rest my voice these last few months.

I visited the Cherry Credits forum and read that many players feel this song does not suit Saint Haven very well ^w^; I think a more grand symphonic work was expected by many. I wanted to apologize to any players that were disappointed by the new BGM ^w^; A million thanks though to the players that have reached out specifically to tell me how much they love the new Saint Haven song! :)

This video isn't quite as 'animated' as my last one - I wanted to create a more storybook feel. I enjoyed doing some Dragon Nest fan art in the process, he he! I had to dig up some references for archer poses, as I had no idea quite how to draw that correctly. Thankfully deviantart has some great photography sources. I have listed them below and in the video's credits.

Ending theme! For those who have been following me really closely, you might know I'm finishing up a CD of instrumental Celtic/Medieval pieces. I couldn't sing for those months, I had to have some sort of recording project to work on, and I think it's turning out well! I used a tiny clip of one at the end of the video xD I'm working on the last tracks for that album now, and will probably have some sort of preview out soon :) Let me know if this is something you're interested in!

Day of Destiny © 2013 Cherry Credits

Music and Lyrics : Erutan
Performance, Recording and Mixing: Erutan
Video Editing and Art: Erutan

Textures used in video:

Archer Reference:


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