10 Amazing Facts About Black Holes

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Dive deep into the mysteries of the cosmos with these 10 fascinating facts about black holes, as follows:

1. Detection of the black holes through various indirect methods.
2. Falling into a black and the phenomenon of "spaghettification".
3. The formation of stellar-mass black holes and the end of massive stars lives.
4. Sun hypothetical replacement with a black hole and the effects it would cause to Earth.
5. Black holes getting smaller and the Hawking radiation process.
6. The most distant black hole ever observed (UHZ-1).
7. Supermassive black holes mass calculated by scientists.
8. Black holes formation by stellar explosions and mergers and the effects to elements distribution into the Universe.
9. Black holes threat to our Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy and Universe.
10. Black holes myth related to eating entire galaxies is debunked.

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