My Bladder Cancer Symptoms: "They Initially Thought it was a UTI" - Ebony | The Patient Story

Описание к видео My Bladder Cancer Symptoms: "They Initially Thought it was a UTI" - Ebony | The Patient Story

Ebony was 45 when she first noticed blood in her urine. But after different scans and scopes, doctors couldn't find anything. They initially thought it was a UTI. After more than year, she was diagnosed with stage N2 bladder cancer.

She then underwent MVAC chemotherapy and an 8-hour surgery to remove her bladder. As part of this surgery, part of Ebony's small intestines were used to create a neobladder.

In this conversation she shares her cancer journey, including taking control of her hair loss, the importance of self-advocacy and support and using her story to be a light for others.

Full story & transcript →
* Brought to you in partnership with Imerman Angels →
* Thank you to Janssen for its support of our patient education program!

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