ክፍል 4 የሞባይል ጥገና ትምህርት በአማርኛ_የሜልትሜትር አጠቃቀም ሙሉ ትምህርት / Multi-meter uses full tutorial

Описание к видео ክፍል 4 የሞባይል ጥገና ትምህርት በአማርኛ_የሜልትሜትር አጠቃቀም ሙሉ ትምህርት / Multi-meter uses full tutorial

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This is part 4 mobile maintenance Practical tutorial. In this practice video we will know about Multi-Meter and how to use it! Read the operations bellow!
ይህ ክፍል 4 የሞባይል ጥገና ትምህርት ነው፡፡ በዚህ የተግባር ትምህርት ስለ ሜልትሜትር እቃና አጠቃቀሙንም ጭምር የምንማማር ይሆናል፡፡

ማስጠንቀቂያ፦ማንኛውንም ነገር በምትለኩበት ጊዜ ያልተፈቀደ ከመጥን በላይ የሆነን DC Ampere, DC Volt, AC Current ወይም AC Volt ለመለካት መሞከር በአካላችንና በእቃችን ላይ ጉዳት ሊያደርስ ስለሚችል መጥንቀቅ አስፈላጊ ነው፡፡
Measurement Operations

A.AC or DC Voltage Testing
*The DC voltage ranges are: 200mV, 2V, 20V, 200V and 1000V.
*The AC voltage ranges are: 2 V, 20V, 200V and 750V
*To measure DC or AC voltage, connect the Meter as follows:
1. Insert the red test lead into the V terminal and the black test lead into the COM terminal.
2. Set the rotary switch to an appropriate measurement position in V or V~
3. Connect the test leads across with the object being measured. The measured value shows on the display.

B.DC Current Testing
*The measurement ranges of DC current are: 200mA and 10A. To measure current, do the following:
1. Turn off power to the circuit. Discharge all high- voltage capacitors.
2. Insert the red test lead into the mA or 10A terminal and the black test lead into the COM terminal.
3. Set the rotary switch to an appropriate measurement position in Ampere.
4. Break the current path to be tested. Connect the red test lead to the more positive side of the break and the black test lead to the more negative side of the break.
5. Turn on power to the circuit. The measured value shows on the display.

C.Resistance Testing
*The resistance ranges are: 200Ω, 2kΩ, 20kΩ, 200kΩ, 2MΩand 20MΩ.
To measure resistance, connect the Meter as follows:
1. Insert the red test lead into the Ω terminal and the black test lead into the COM terminal.
2. Set the rotary switch to an appropriate measurement position in Ω range.
3. Connect the test leads across with the object being measured. The measured value shows on the display.

D. Diode Testing
*Use the diode test to check diodes, transistors, and other semiconductor devices.
*The diode test sends a current through the semiconductor junction, and then measures the voltage drop across the junction.
*A good silicon junction drops between 0.5V and 0.8V.
To test a diode out of a circuit, connect the Meter as follows:
1. Insert the red test lead into the VΩ terminal and the black test lead into the COM terminal.
2. Set the rotary switch to the Diode Symbol.
3. For forward voltage drop readings on any semiconductor component, place the red test lead on the component’s anode and place the black test lead on the component’s cathode. The measured value shows on the display.

To test for continuity, connect the Meter as below:
1. Insert the red test lead into the VΩ terminal and the black test lead into the COM terminal.
2. Set the rotary switch to Diode Symbol.
3. Connect the test leads across with the object being measured.
*The buzzer does not sound when the resistance value is greaterthan50 . The circuit is disconnected. The buzzer sounds continuously when the resistance value is less than or equal30Ω. The circuit is in good condition.

How to use Digital multi-meter
Uses of Multi-meter
Uses of Digital Multi-meter
What is Digital Multi-meter
DC Voltage measurement device
AC Voltage measurement device
DC current measurement device
Resistance measurement tool
Continuity testing
Fuel System Testing
Testing Procedure
Mass Air Flow
DC Voltage Type Sensor
Negative reading
Battery Deficiency
Overload Protection
Open circuit voltage
Buzzer sounds continuously
Circuit is in good condition
Input Amplitude
Tach Rotation Speed Testing
General Service
Replacing the Fuses
Frequency Type Sensor
RPMx10 Testing
Magnetic Resistance Sensor
Ignition System Testing
Charging System Voltage Testing
Battery Lead Connector
Voltage Drop Testing
Temperature testing
Trigger voltage battery load testing
Starting Charging System Testing
Solenoid or Relay Testing
Switch Testing
Fuse Testing
Data Holding
Engine Tach Rotation Speed Testing
Dwell Testing
Component checking device
Decibel measuring
LED test
How to check electronic component
Wire continuity checking
የሜልትሜትር አጠቃቀም
የሞባይል ጥገና ትምህርት
የኮምፒውተር ጥገና ትምህርት
የፕሪንተር ጥገና ትምህርት
የካሜራ ጥገና ትምህርት
የመብራት ዝርጋታ
የጥገና አጋዥ መሳሪያ
ሜልትሜትር ምንድን ነው
DC ቮልቴጅ እንዴት እንለካለን
AC ቮልቴጅ እንዴት እንለካለን
DC Ampere እንዴት እንለካለን
AC Ampere እንዴት እንለካለን
የባትሪ ቮልቴጅ መለኪያ መሳሪያ
የኤሌክትሪክ መለኪያ መሳሪያ
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