Benefical Ownership Returns for Complex Businesses!

Описание к видео Benefical Ownership Returns for Complex Businesses!


Recently I published a video showing step by step how to file Beneficial Ownership Retturns for Owner Managed Companies, in this video I talked to the people from Tax Consulting SA who specialize in Benecifical Ownership Returns for Complex Businesses.

I talked to Micaela Paschini who is an attorney at Tax Consulting SA, she can be contacted at [email protected], and we were also joined by Kele Tompa who is a corporate governance specialist at Tax Consulting SA, she can be contacted at [email protected]

Here are the questions we discussed
1. Why the new requirements to submit beneficial ownership returns?
2. Deadline for first submissions and subsequent submissions of beneficial ownership returns?
3. What does complex structures look like for beneficial ownership returns?
4. What about trusts and beneficial ownership returns?
5. What about NPO's and NPC's and beneficial ownership returns?
6. What are the penalties for non compliance for not submitting beneficial ownership returns?


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