How to Wing Foil: Jibe- step by step instructions to turn without coming off the foil

Описание к видео How to Wing Foil: Jibe- step by step instructions to turn without coming off the foil

Once you figure out how to fly on a wing foil, the next step is to learn how to turn around and go back the other way. The easiest way to turn around is to turn downwind and jibe. We go into it step by step using a sequence of frame grabs showing how to turn around without coming off the foil.
Since you are doing two things at once- a carving turn on the foil and switching the wing direction, it's good to practice the wing handling on land until it becomes familiar and smooth.

These are the steps:
1) Approach the turn with a good amount of speed but not out of control fast, look for a smooth area on the water to start your turn.
2) Bring the board low to the water- low and in control, and be prepared for extra lift resulting from the G-forces of the turn.
3) As you start the turn, the pressure will decrease in the wing, as soon as you feel less pressure, quickly let go of your back hand and bring the wing over your head.
4) Switch front hands and keep leaning into the turn.
5) Grab the wing with the new back hand and adjust the grip as necessary.
6) Drop the wing back into the power zone and accelerate out of the turn.

Good Luck!
Aloha, Robert Stehlik

video: Jeff Chang and Tyler Landon
edit: Robert Stehlik

Gear used:
5’8 Blue Planet Carver Foilboard
5 M Duotone wing foil
1580 Carver Foil
Wind: 10-15 knots


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