1-minute Battery Swapping now all over China, this is the future of mass market EV

Описание к видео 1-minute Battery Swapping now all over China, this is the future of mass market EV

This is the future of EVs, just drive in and swap the EV battery in about 1 minute. All EVs should implement this standard, as that will dramatically decrease the upfront EV pricing.

A $45K Tesla Model 3 becomes a $30K Tesla Model 3, where you then have to pay about $50 or $75 per month to rent your standard basic range 250km (150-mile) battery, then when you decide to go on a road trip, at all highway entrances would be 1-minute battery swap stations where you can swap to a 500km (300-mile) battery for an upgrade fee of about $2-3 per day.

Then in the near future as new higher capacity batteries become available, and as new lower cost 150-mile batteries become available, you can then swap to even larger range batteries or decrease the monthly rental of your basic 250km (150-mile) battery.

That would also solve range anxiety. It makes the low cost $20K Tesla a definite possibility. It allows for Tesla to manufacture 2x more EVs overnight. Battery Swapping is also a crucial feature for self-driving robotaxis too as those need to drive around 24 hours a day and not stay parked for hours to recharge.


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