The ONLY Rick Combo Guide You Need (2024)

Описание к видео The ONLY Rick Combo Guide You Need (2024)

John 12:25
"He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal."

Thank you all for tuning in once again. I worked very hard discerning which information would be the most useful for you and it took quite a while.

Upon watching this guide, you'll have a better understanding of how Rick is played and all of the nuances within his kit.

Another big thank you to all of my subscribers as we're at 35 at the time of me writing this (which is crazy to me).

The idea of someone enjoying my content enough to hit that button is surreal and inexplicable to me.

My new microphone will arrive tomorrow and the quality of my audio and frequency of my uploads will increase. I really want to upload daily gameplay and start a series up so let me know if that would be something you're interested in. I'm thinking of calling it: 'Chrome Talks' or 'Road to Rank 1: Rick.'

I've also kind of decided on an overall theme for my thumbnails for familiarities sake. Staying consistent with the overall theme of the channel, I'll use achromatic backgrounds with elements within the thumbnail that really pop. Let me know if you guys like it because I think it's a great idea.

If you're tuning in to my channel already, you are a day one supporter lol. Literally last week, I had no idea how to edit or make videos at all, so I've worked around the clock (literally) learning and growing. I hope the work that I've been putting in has been showing and watching these videos makes your day at least 1% better.

00:00 intro
01:06 portal
02:29 approach options
03:06 combos & kill confirms
05:24 closing thoughts


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