【HK Tech 300 創投擂台陣順利舉行】【HK Tech 300 Pitching Arena successfully held】

Описание к видео 【HK Tech 300 創投擂台陣順利舉行】【HK Tech 300 Pitching Arena successfully held】

StartmeupHK創業節由香港投資推廣署策劃,以「勇闖未來,迎接無限可能」為主題,帶來一系列精彩節目。其中,由香港城市大學舉辦的「HK Tech 300 創投擂台陣」已於6/9順利舉行!

十位來自HK Tech 300初創公司的代表同場較量,於擂台上向網上觀眾展示其初創項目,各隊代表更互相提問。更有鬼才棟篤笑藝人Vivek Mahbubani(阿V)坐陣,擔任大會主持。


了解更多HK Tech 300: https://www.cityu.edu.hk/hktech300/zh-hk

The StartmeupHK Festival, Asia’s leading annual start-up event, has returned to Hong Kong! The StartmeupHK Festival 2022 is curated by InvestHK under the theme “A Future Unlimited”. The “HK Tech 300 Pitching Arena”, organised by City University of Hong Kong as one of the exciting online community events, was successfully held on 6 Sept.

Ten start-ups competed in the “HK Tech 300 Pitching Arena” to make their best pitch. What made it even more exciting is having top comedian Vivek Mahbubani as our moderator.

Don’t miss the chance to witness the best efforts of the start-ups. Rewatch the programme now!

Learn more: https://www.cityu.edu.hk/hktech300/


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