Russia-Ukraine war - Tweets Analysis | Machine Learning Projects for Beginners | #16

Описание к видео Russia-Ukraine war - Tweets Analysis | Machine Learning Projects for Beginners | #16

#machinelearningproject #machinelearningprojectbeginners #RussiaUkraineWarAnalysis #RussiaUkraineWarTweetAnalysis

💾 Data:

👇 Topics are covered in this video:
✔️Russia-Ukraine war - Tweets Analysis
✔️ Sentiment Analysis
✔️Most used Hashtags
✔️Text Cleaning
✔️How to used data directly from kaggle to colab notebook

Previous Series:
👉 Mathematics for Data Science (
1) Probability and Statistics for Data Science
2) Solving Optimization Problems
3) Linear Algebra and Learning from Data by Gilbert Strang

👉 Supervised Learning Models (
1) K-Nearest Neighbors
2) Naïve Bayes Classifiers
3) Logistic Regression
4) Linear Regression
5) Support Vector Machine
6) Decision Tree
7) Ensemble Models

👉 Unsupervised Learning Models(
1) K Means Clustering
2) Hierarchical Clustering
3) Density-based Clustering (DBSCAN)

👉 Recommendation System & Matrix Factorization(
👉Natural Language Processing(

👉 Productionization and deployment of ML Models(
1) Feature Engineering
2)Productionization and Deployment of ML Models

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