Kibbeh bil laban - Kibbe Labanieh (yogurt sauce) - طريقة عمل الكبه باللبن

Описание к видео Kibbeh bil laban - Kibbe Labanieh (yogurt sauce) - طريقة عمل الكبه باللبن

Kibbeh bil laban is Middle Eastern dish well-known many arabic coutries.
Kibbeh bil laban (Kibbe Labnyeh) you can prepare in few stages and over several days. The first step is making the kibbeh balls (stuffed kibbeh), that you can freeze. The next step is to prepare the yogurt (laban) sauce.

step 1: Stuffed kibbeh recipe you can find here    • Easy stuffed kibbeh recipe - kibbeh b...  

step 2:
LABAN or YOGURT sauce:
The recipe serves 6 portions

1 kilo (1 litr) of full fat plain yogurt (laban)
1 large egg
1 1/2 tbsp. of corn starch, dissolved in 100 ml warm water
500 ml meat broth well spiced
salt to taste
1 teaspoon dried mint

Additional :
1/2 bunch of cilantro /coriander, washed and dried, chopped fine
4 cloves of garlic
2 Tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil

To make Laban/Yogurt sauce:
1. In a large cooking pot, add the yogurt and beaten egg, salt to taste and whisk till smooth. On a Low to Medium heat bring it up to a gentle boil on low to medium heat, stirring frequently so yogurt doesn’t split.

2. Dissolve the corn starch in the 1/2 cup of water and whisk the mixture into yogurt, then bring back up to a light boil.
Add the meat stock to a desire consistency. The Yogurt sauce should be thick and creamy.

Adjust the salt seasoning to desired taste.
Saute the garlic/coriander with olive oil until light golden brown, and add to the yogurt sauce, mix well.
Nutrition Facts
Yogurt (Laban) sauce
per 1 serving

KCAL 174

Fats 8 g
Carbs 14.2 g
Protein 11.5 g

Fiber 0.1 g
Sugar 12.3 g


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