Warzone Game Stuck on "Connecting to Online Services". A server connection fix to try

Описание к видео Warzone Game Stuck on "Connecting to Online Services". A server connection fix to try

Quick run through of a fix that has helped resolve the issue on our system during some Warzone game loading failures to connect to online services. These steps can also be applied in attempts to fix server connection issues in other titles as well.

👢 Main Steps
00:00 Issue Intro
00:30 Opening PowerShell
1:46 Step1 Release IP Config
2:45 Step2 Flush DNS Cache
3:19 Step3 Renew IP Config
4:22 Recapping the 3 Steps
5:20 Fixing In Game Settings

✅ Step 1 will release the IP Configuration. After flushing the DNS Cache in step 2, ENSURE to also perform step 3 to renew the IP Configuration to allow the adapter to reconnect to the network.

🔥 There are also many "hotkey" combinations which can be used to access the powershell window (in place of right clicking the windows start icon):

One example method using hotkeys to access powershell, hold (Windows key and X key) simultaneously. Releasing once the context menu appears over the Start Icon in lower left of the desktop. Then clicking I or A key (I=user or A=admin privileges) on the keyboard. Then Powershell window will appear over the background game.

📝Some system owners are having non-connection related issues due to account restrictions pertaining to the game being linked to multiple platforms or accounts. Check out the pinned comment by supernelsonkiwi
. And refer to Activision link below for more info on that issue:

🔗 Linking Platform Accounts @Activision.com
Microsoft, Sony, Steam, Blizzard, and Nintendo accounts can be linked to an Activision account.

"Follow these steps to link a platform account:

Sign in to the Microsoft, Sony, Steam, Blizzard, or Nintendo account you wish to link.
In the same browser, sign in to your Activision account.
In the ACCOUNT LINKING section, choose an account to link.
Please note: A Call of Duty profile may only have one account linked per manufacturer.
Select CONTINUE. You will be taken back to the Microsoft, Sony, Steam, Blizzard, or Nintendo website to complete the account linking process.
Unlinking and relinking accounts can cause corruption with Season Pass, DLC, Micro DLC items, or other entitlements applied to your accounts. Please avoid any unnecessary unlinking and relinking of accounts.

Please note: Game progress in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is stored on your Activision account, not your platform account. If you choose to link your platform account to another Activision account, your progress will not carry over. Your progress and content aren't lost. If you relink this platform account to the original Activision account, you can continue your progression and access your owned content."


Ensure the issue isn't account related instead of network related if the title was ever loaded on another system or console.


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