The Best SuperCar Drifts and Power Slides Compilation - GoodWood FOS Throwback

Описание к видео The Best SuperCar Drifts and Power Slides Compilation - GoodWood FOS Throwback

Whats up everyone and welcome back to another video and to another throwback! As you all know with this lockdown i can't go out and get new content so at the moment I'm spending most of my spare time looking back at old clips or trying to come up with video ideas.

So in this video these were clips from GoodWood Festival of Speed 2018 of some of my favourite supercar moments and the "donut" end at the start of the track where all the drivers love to show off the cars with impressive donuts, powerslides and some interesting driving lets say...

Also comment below which one was the best!

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Music - Otis McDonald


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